Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Markdown editor for blogger

Markdown is quite popular these days and I like it for it’s simplicity. So I’ve been searching for a way to integrate it in my blog writing workflow. In Blogger, it’s unfortunately not an option.

There I could go:

  • either for WYSIWYG editor or
  • manual HTML writing.

However WYSIWYG generates too much HTML I don’t need. Moreover some pre-publish manual HTML editing is a pain then. And the other option I consider it rather slow/unproductive.

So, I looked for other options, and found stackedit.io. Even this post is (and couple others as well) written in it.


I consider Stackedit great as it:

  • is Markdown editor,
  • is open source (see github repo),
  • has awesome UI (including live preview, key bindings, …),
  • has integration with other popular services that I use anyway:
  • has active community (just check the stars count and commit activity on the github repo) and
  • has impressive feedback time (resolution on my issues/questions came in couple hours)

So my post writing/editing workflow goes like this:

  1. write/edit post on stackedit.io,
  2. sync it to google drive and
  3. publish/republish it to blogger.

That’s it! No further in-blogger updates required!

Blogger specifics

Still there are some specifics in my workflow (to provide smooth blogger integration).

  • using the Interpreted variables: title and tags via:
title: Markdown editor for blogger
tags: blogger markdown stackedit.io